Jolly good work madam, not quite the spiritual ecstasy that's usually associated with religious gatherings but joyous nonetheless!
Ours is tomorrow, I might knock one out meself.
how are we all faring?
are we learning anything?
how are we coping?
Jolly good work madam, not quite the spiritual ecstasy that's usually associated with religious gatherings but joyous nonetheless!
Ours is tomorrow, I might knock one out meself.
in awake!
3 2016, an article on dr. semmelweis states:.
semmelweis was eventually recognized as one of the fathers of the modern antiseptic technique.
This stuff is GOLD!
Well put together, thanks for posting!
"when the truth is found to be lies, and all the joy within you dies" jefferson airplane.
until that is you find websites like this!
i want to say a big thank you to all of you for everything i've learned here, as well as jwfacts, jwsurvey, coc, isocf etc.. i'm a born in and i spent more than two decades of my adult life in full time 'service' for the (b)org.
I'm extremely happy to be the first to congratulate and welcome you brother!
Nicely put.
i am a male, born into the jw cult(ure), baptized as a teen, now mid fifties.
most of my life i dreamed of hugging pandas and lions, punctuated at times by nightmares of armageddon or jw drama and politics.
still going through the motions for still-in wife.
Welcome dreamer dude dude!
I wish you every success. Some great advice on here. I'm still trying to listen more than talk, but it's difficult when there's simply no talk about anything spiritual unless I start it.
You sound like you've got your head screwed on tight though, best of luck mate..
yes that's me, i am victorious!
i had enough after about 4 years knowing ttatt.
sent my da letter and it has been anounced at the meeting.
first let me say, if i could turn back time and never get involved with this cult.
i would.. to the lurkers: .
if you on the fence and could leave.
why do so many witnesses end up coming to forums like this?.
no doubt it is because of the fact that the society disallows any form of sincere questioning of teachings or doctrines or history etc.... if there was open discussion allowed - free of repercussions and punishment, then no one would feel stifled.
if genuine concerns could be raised, then no one would feel smothered or unable to share thoughts... then in turn many would not leave.... but due to the high control, authoritarian culture the society has created, many feel trapped, and end up searching outside of official channels...and leaving the society.....
@konceptual, it got me here!
And stuckinarut, you're dead right..
cognitive dissonance is the feeling of uncomfortable tension which comes from holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time.
this is what is wrong with me, i have a love hate relationship with the jw's.
yesterday my wife and i enjoyed one of our regular days out at edinburgh - movie, lunch, walk, meal etc.. in the late afternoon while mrs cofty went shopping i had an hour at the excellent museum of scotland and arranged to meet up outside the national gallery on princes street.
on my way back i saw the jw trolley was at the usual spot on the royal mile.
there was an older man and a young woman standing well back trying hard to look inconspicuous.
i was raised my entire life to believe it is a shame for a man to have long hair because of this bible scripture 1 corinthians 11:14, “does not nature itself teach you that long hair is a dishonor to a man?” nwt however the international standard version reads, “nature itself teaches you neither that it is disgraceful for a man to have long hair.” so what does nature really teach us?
jesus was called, “the lion of judah” and the king of the jungle has long hair.
thank you nature for clearing this twisted scripture up for me.